Monday, June 24, 2013

Email & Pictures 6/24/2013!

Showing us the beautiful Iowa landscape!

Iowa train tracks!

A water "thing" as she calls it, near her apartment.

Sister Alstin!  Halee went on splits with her!  She mentions her in the email below!

Sister Lloyd.  She also mentions her in the email below!

Sister Murphy!  Halee's companion trying to be taller than Halee!

My Dearest Family!
Hey guys! Whats upppp! So, I have SO much to tell you! We will start with last friday... We got to go to the Nauvoo Temple! It was awesome! I wish we coulda done a session, but instead we cleaned it... which is the second best thing! haha We got to go all the way up to the top of the tower/steeple, so that was pretty darn awesome to look out from! We also got to see the baptistry and the Assembly Hall. That was SO cool! It was so pretty! After we cleaned everything, one of the custodial ladies let my companion and I and the other two companionships in our district go into the celestial room for a few minutes. That was Amazing! So we basically were given an open house tour. We definitely lucked out, Im so glad I got to experience that!

On Wednesday, we had our goodbye zone conference for President and Sister Jergensen, that was so sad to see them leave. They've got about two weeks left out here! Even though I havent known them for that long, they've made such a positive impact on my life. At the end of the conference we were all able to line up and give President and Sister Jergensen one last hug. After i gave them my hug, I went and sat down in the pew and watched as others gave them their hugs. The most tender thing though was watching all of the Elders. These are grown men just wiping away tears after saying goodbye to some really amazing people. It was such a touching sight to see. President and Sister Jergensen are AMAZING people. I am so glad that I got the opportunity to serve under them for the short time that I did.

Right after zone conference, we had exchanges! Woo hoo..... I was pretty nervous. The two sister training leaders came to do exchanges with Sister Murphy and I. We didnt have anyone to teach, so pretty much we were going tracting all day! Awesome. haha, For the first half, I was eith Sister Lloyd. She's so cool! She's a baller.... played all through high school. So she's got that athletic/competive spirit like I do. She's been out a whole year! She told me I reminded her a lot of herself, so I DEFINITELY take it as a compliment because she is an AMAZING missionary. Seriously, I hope I can be half the missionary she is. Not only that, she's just nice and humble. She's a great listener and teacher. I've already learned a lot from her. i'm really glad I got to work with her for a few hours. 

The other half of the night, I worked with Sister Alstin. She is way awesome too! She's been out 4 months, but teaches like she's been out a year. She's got incredible people skills! Every time she talks to someone she just makes it so genuine and you can really feel she cares about everyone she speaks to. I for sure need to work on that, but working with Sister Alstin has definitely made me try harder. She's a great example. So exchanges went very well. I learned so much!

So, Thursday we planned to teach this lady and hopefully get our first investigator but she cancelled. Bummer! We have an appointment for tomorrow though! Super pumped! She has concerns with women not holding the priesthood, so we are gonna whip some Sheri Dew out on her and hopefully that'll do the trick! Sheri Dew ALWAYS does!:) haha

Friday was a big day! We went and taught this lady named Vilma! Shes cool. Shes been taught a little bit before, but hasn't really progressed a lot. So we went and taught her the Restoration and then invited her to be baptized! She didnt say yes..... but she didnt say No either!! We are meeting with her again on wednesday. She's our first investigator!!!!! WOO HOO!!!! And not only that, but she came to church yesterday with her two grandkids!. It was SO SO SO great! Hopefully we will get a baptismal date set on wednesday! Pray for us and her!!!:)
We have a few other teaching appointments set up for this week as well so hopefully that'll mean a few more baptismal invites! The Lord has truly been blessing us for our hard work!

Yesterday, Sister Murphy and I taught singing time in primary.... woah. I forgot how crazy kids are. Actually i did the teaching, sister murphy just played the piano. haha We taught them "I hope they call me on a mission" It was pretty fitting I would say.

Last night, we attended that worldwide leadership training seminar thing. That was SO good! As a missionary, I've come to realize that it helps SO SO much when members get involved. If members dont help find, missionaries go tracting all freakn day long. Its not fun. Everything that those apostles said about member missionary work is true! I'd watch it again if I were you guys.... haha Us missionaries DESPERATELY need the help of members! Also, I was thinking, RILEY, you should go on exchanges sometimes with the Elders! Talk to the ward mission leader and he can set that up for ya:)

You guys, I love you so much and miss you like crazy! Stay awesome and keep being the amazing family that you are. Thank you for ALL of your letters and packages! They are so good. I love em! I cant wait til my birthday rolls around haha

I know this work I am doing is true. The gospel blesses lives. I've felt it. The Book of Mormon is so true.

I love you guys! Hope all is well!:)

Sister Rogers OUT!

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