Monday, March 17, 2014

Weekly update 3-9-14

Sunset from apartment patio.  Mississippi River with Nauvoo Temple background.

With Pam!
Hey there!
Its March and it is wonderful!! This week has been so great and so crazy! We had 3 exchanges this week!! 
Tuesday... Sister Alston and I were in Hannibal, MO ! It was great! I knocked doors all day but found some awesome potentials which was really great!! 
Wednesday, we had two sisters from quincy come to Keokuk! Unfortunately, one of the sisters got ridiculously sick, so sister Alston stayed in all day with her and Sister hancock and I went and took on Keokuk together! It was awesome! We taught 8 lessons and got 1 new investigator! It was a major success!! Since Sister Barker was so sick, they stayed another night at our apartment. The next day was district meeting and I gave a training on How we as missionaries can gain the spirit more in our lives and how we can become more converted to the gospel. I had a hard time preparing for it, since this was something that I had felt like I had been struggling with, so I felt super inadequate to be training others on it. But it all worked out. heavenly father and His spirit work wonders. My testimony and faith grew stronger and the Gospel of Jesus Christ is written deeper into my heart because of it! I LOVE this gospel. It's the only thing that matters! The ONLY thing!:)
Friday... sister Alston and I went on an impromptu exchange in Kirksville. It was super short and quick, but it was effective! we do lots of role plays on these exchanges which is good because then we can refine our teaching skills more and it makes us keener to the subtle promptings of the spirit! 

ANYWAYS... that was pretty much our week! We have a pretty bsy week ahead of us but I am looking forward to it! I love being a missionary! I love being a representative of Jesus Christ! There is joy and satisfaction in the Gospel!
I love you... keep working hard and being wonderful examples to me!!!
Sister Rogers

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