Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Weekly Update 6-2-14

Sister Anderson & Sister Rogers!

Having fun!

Habitat for humanity.  Laid sod at this house.

Missionaries working hard.

Taking a break!

Nice sunburn after!

SO its been a hot week! But its been such a great one!
It was such a blessing to be able to call home on Friday and talk with you. I wanted to talk with everyone, so I am sorry I couldn't but know that I love you all! Riley... congrats dude! You are going to be such a great missionary! If I could give five points of advice for ANY who is preparing to serve a mission, it would be this...

1. Repent- make sure you take care of things BEFORE you come out. It will be better. Don't be stupid! And if you have been stupid, make things right! The Savior loves you and wants you to repent!
2. Set goals for your mission.. not just number of baptisms but what YOU personally want to accomplish
3. Learn the importance of scripture study, prayer, and The Atonement of Jesus Christ. Missions are really really hard. There are times when you feel beyond inadequate or you just want to give up and go home to where things were comfortable. Don't give up! There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone! If you endure, you will be blessed beyond measure!
4. Study PREACH MY GOSPEL AND BOOK OF MORMON everyday! Those two books will convert you.
5. Grow where you are planted. Don't wait for your next transfer or your next area or your next companion to work. This work is a lot bigger than all of us.

I know I said five points, but I just have one more! Well actually I have LOTS more, but we will start with 6.:)

6. Lastly, gain a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as your brother and Savior and Redeemer. You first must experience the pure love of Christ, Charity, for yourself before you can feel it for others.

Alrighty... those are my words of wisdom for now. haha I have so much love for this gospel and for my God. Know Him and His Son has transformed me into a new creature. The best blessing I could ask for!

So a little update on this week... Saturday, we got to give service for a foundation called Habitat for Humanity. I am sure you have heard of it. anyways all of us missionaries in the zone got to lay sod for this house that had just been built for a family who is in need of a home. It was a really great experience! Service is a wonderful thing! Plus, I got some sun! haha Pictures to come:)

The work is going great. We have a lot of people to teach it is just a matter of helping them keep commitments and progress. Through prayer and inspiration though things are moving forward. I LOVE my companion. Sister Andersen, she is incredible. So amazing and just helps me be better! She's really great. 

Alrighty, welp! I love you so much! Have a wonderful week and thank you for everything you all do! Your support and love means so much to me!!
Sister Halee Rogers

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