Thursday, March 6, 2014

Weekly Update 3-3-2014

Zone Conference!  Great Group of Missionaries!

Sister Rogers & Sister Alston at the Nauvoo Temple!

Cute Sister Missionaries heading to Zone Conference.

Hey Fam!
So this week was really great! 
Monday and Tuesday we were on exchanges in Burlington with the sisters there! It was freezing cold but it was good! We knocked doors all day long... but it was good for me because I haven't had to do that since the beginning of my mission. It was humbling and really effective to not just knock doors but to follow the spirit and have Him help us to find people to teach. We had a really cool experience.. I was with Sister Woodbury and we decided to pray over a map to see where we needed to go. After our prayer the spirit told me that there was a less-active member in which we needed to go visit. He didn't tell me who to go visit, or even where, but I knew there was a LA that needed our visit. So after discussing and talking and looking through the ward directory we both felt we should go see a certain lady on the list. We drove to the house and soon realized that she had moved from that house and no longer lived there so we kept driving and turned the corner and parked. The street we had parked on had a LA living on it so we decided o get out and just go check it out. No one home. So we just kept walking down the street and decided to do some tracting. We found some potentials and stuff and right before we were going to head back to the car we decided to knock on one more house... I am positive it was the spirit prompting us to. So we knocked and a lady opened the door, we did our whole schpeel and she said, " I know who you are... I am actually a member." Both of us caught off guard, asked her her name and neither of us had heard of it.  Apparently her records are in Nauvoo but she lives in Burlington most of the time. So if we hadn't knocked on her door we would have never found her and we would've never been able to introduce her back into the fold. I know that she was the impression I received about us needing to see a Less-Active member. Little tender mercies like that are what remind me that I am doing what is right and that Heavenly Father is in the very details of our lives.

Wednesday was great! because of the weather and most of this week we were not permitted to walk outside. The other day it was a wind chill of 41 below. It's pretty frosty!! 

Friday we had zone conference in Nauvoo! It was really really great! The musical numbers went pretty good and so they asked sister alston and I to sing in stake conference next week. haha Woo hoo! I am so glad that Heavenly Father has helped me to overcome my fears of singing in front of others. I haven't completely overcome it. but I know that Heavenly Father has blessed me not for my personal benefits, but so that I can uplift and bring the spirit into others lives. 

Saturday due to weather again... cars were grounded and we had to be in our apartments at 5:30.

Sunday... they cancelled our church because of the snow. It really wasn't that bad but there was nothing that we could do about it... so sister Alston and I went to the Nauvoo ward. It was wonderful!! I love testimony meetings. So powerful. Sunday night we had a fireside for the branch council on the work of salvation. We set a branch baptismal goal for 2014. And overall I would say the meeting was pretty effective. We have spent weeks on putting this fireside together for the branch council and it turned out well. One thing we are striving to accomplish in our branch is unity and hitting the yoke at the same time. Sometimes we lose sight of what really matters and end up becoming our own worst enemies. Satan delights in this. He loves to turn brethren against one another. He does it pretty darn effectively too, but one thing to always remember is that if the spirit of the Lord abides in you, you will not be deceived.
I just feel truly humbled and blessed this week. I love being a missionary. And more importantly I love that Heavenly Father trusts me enough to represent His son, Jesus Christ. How great is my calling!
I want you all to know that I have a testimony of my Savior, Jesus Christ. The efficacy of His Atonement is majestic. His stripes can heal EVERY ASPECT of your life. He is the author and the finisher of our faith. I know He lives. The greatest thing is to feel of the spirit every time this testimony is confirmed to me. It is my conviction that these truly are the last days. We are preparing for the coming of the Savior of the World. It will be a glorious day!
Love you!
Sister Rogers
PS... I just want to give a shoutout to my awesome brother riley and my incredible sister emmee for their performance at the gilbert temple cultural celebration. It makes me tear up to think how awesome of an opportunity you have been given! You two are great!! You danced for the prophet!!!
PPS... I got my hump day package last Monday after email, but I just want to thank you mom and dad for sending that to me! hahah I LOVED it:) I can just imagine the moment mom thought of the idea to send me half eaten packages of candy and food! I assume it was mom's idea at least... haha it was wonderful! I laughed super hard!:) And also... thank you so much for the camera! You didn't have to do that... but what makes you the best mom ever is that you did anyways! Youre amazing. I love you so much!!!:)

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