Monday, March 17, 2014

Weekly Update 3-17-14!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Rachel is leaving for Utah!

Elder Cutler is leaving.  Finished his mission.  Halee says "I'm going to miss that kid".

Mission Leadership Council.  All the Sister Trainer Leaders wore vests.

Hey there!
This week was packed and just so great! Lets start off with the weather... is has been WONDERFUL! In the 50's most days... awh it was beautiful:) I didn't even have to wear a coat, just a nice light jacket! 
Monday, was p-day... we did the usual, emailed, shopped, played some volleyball, and hung out with Rachael. Man, I love those days. They go about the same every week but they are exactly what I need. They are wonderful!
Tuesday.. we had Mission Leadership Council all day in Iowa City. A day long meeting but it was way good! Every time I go, I just get a reconfirmation that President Jensen is called by God to lead this mission. I learned a lot about prayer, faith, and studying with the Spirit. My testimony of the Book of Mormon was increased as well. I realized that I am a proclaimer of the RESTORED Gospel. I am SO BLESSED!
Wednesday... We had the sisters from Macomb, IL join us in keokuk for exchanges! I got the amazing privilege to go out all day with Sister Porter. This girl is incredible. She is so valiant in her effort to brings souls unto Christ and I actually learned a lot from her and about her. Her testimony is strong and its really hard for me to believe that she hasn't even been out 3 months yet! We set a baptismal date with one of our investigators Donny. He is awesome. His wife is a LA member and he absolutely loves learning about the church. 
Thursday, we got to spend all day with President and sister Jensen! It was so fun:) Sister Alston and I rode with them to the Nauvoo and Quincy Zone Training Meetings where we gave trainings to those missionaries. We had a bit of a car ride so it was fun to just talk to them and see them in a different light. THEY ARE HILARIOUS! oh my, I love them both so much:) President was sitting shot gun and he was falling asleep in the car and sister jensen and I and sister alston were talking about what to eat for lunch... another missionary had mentioned to me that President Jensen loves milkshakes, so I said well lets find a place where we can get a shake! President shot up in his chair and exclaimed, "SHAKE! Yeah... lets go somewhere where we can get a shake!" hahah it was the funniest thing! It was like he was a little kid:) Man, theres so many other stories I could tell but that would take too long haha anyways, long story short is the President and Sister Jensen are hilarious and I am so glad I got to spend time with them all day.
Friday.. We had weekly planning and taught lots of people! It was greatttT!!
Saturday... We had exchanges with the sisters in Hamilton! They came to keokuk and I got to spend the day with Sister Lindgren:) Man, I love that woman. She came out with me and she is so amazing. This girl has one of the strongest testimonies I know.She is so caring and loving. I want to be like her! We were blessed to find a new investigator Paula! After exchanges, we went that night over to Nauvoo for Stake Conference. It was such a great meeting! President and Sister Jensen spoke, as well as the Stake President and Elder Real of the seventy. It was ALL ABOUT MISSIONARY WORK! It was wonderful:) Sister Alston and I sang "Because I have Been Given much" It went well! I'll have to send a video of it! And then we also sang with a missionary choir that awesome poem by WW Phelps that Sister Alston wrote the music to. People went crazy over it! After the meeting there was like 50 people coming up to Sister Alston to ask if they could have a copy of the song! One guy even came up and offered to score it and copyright it for her! So he went home that night and got it back to her the next day! It was nuts, but so awesome. Sister Alston is amazing and totally deserved all the praise she got! My companion is incredible!!
Sunday.. we had the regular session of Stake Conference. Man.... talk about the spirit. IT WAS THERE. And so strong. My heart was so full of love for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

This week was pretty nuts and full of plans, but I loved it. I am so grateful to be serving a mission. I am learning something new every single day. I love this gospel. I know it is true!! And I just want everyone else to know that too!!

Happy St. Patty's Day! And also... happy birthday to the Relief Society!!

Love ya:)
Sister rogers

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