Thursday, June 13, 2013

First Email from the Land of IOWA

Hey Fam!!!! So.... Im in Iowa!!! My first week here has been pretty awesome! A couple of lows, but mostly highs! I sent a letter home about my first day out in the field so there will be a lot of detail in that. But ill just try and give yall a little update on me real fast! My companions name is Sister Murphy. Shes from Salt Lake! Shes a short little red head... shes cute hahaha! but She reminds me SO MUCH of Annie Smoot! They are like the EXACT same person! Both from salt lake, both love nature and rock climbing, both are obsessed with imagine dragons, and they both snore really loud!:) Everyone knows me and Annie didnt live that well together, but Im pretty sure it was God preparing me, because he knew I would have someone just like her as a comp! So Im really trying to be more humble and nicer than I was with Annie. Things are working out pretty well so Ill keep it up haha My first area I am serving in is called Mt. Vernon. Dont ask me where it is in IOWA cause I have no idea. I thinik we are like 30 minutes east of iowa city but im not sure. We are part of a small branch! All the members are so nice and so welcoming! They havent had sister missionaries in a long time so they all seem pretty stoked! Weve already had a few dinners so thats been way nice! We are white washing this area, which means we are starting from scratch. Our area books are completely empty. No investigators, no potentials, nothing. So all we pretty much have been doing is visiting members trying to get referrals and TRACTING! yayyyyy...... Cool story real fast!!! Sister Murphy and I went tracting on Saturday down the street we went on my first day here. West Summit. The first time we went down this street, I had felt something about it. Like it was important. So we knocked on every door and no one answered. I was confused and to be honest a little embarrassed. I didnt understand why I had those impressions if no one even answered their doors. NOW, I know why. When we went back on saturday down this same street we stopped by my first house I ever knocked on as a missionary. The first time no one answered, but on saturday a 17- year old girl named Whitney answered. She was babysitting at that house for an hour or so. But she lived a couple streets over. When we told her who we were and asked her if she would be instrested in learning more, she said YES! I was so filled with joy. We gave her a card with our number on it as well as a Book of Mormon. We got down her info and are going to meet with her tomorrow. It was amazing. God is amazing. I know now that God gave me those impressions about West Summit and that first house on that first day I was here because He knew that Whitney would be there tonight. He knew we were going to be in the neighborhood and so He prepared Whitney to receive our message and prepared US to find her and give her the message. This work is amazing. I always got to remember D&C 6:36---- Doubt not, Fear not!!! I'm thoroughly enjoying this work! I know that God is preparing people for me to meet! Its amazing! I hope all is well with you all and i hope cali has been a freakn blast!!!! I carry my picture book of you guys everywhere I go! I miss you all SO SO much! More than you know! I couldnt be doing this without your support! Keep me updated on everything!! LOVE YOU!!!! Sister Rogers:)

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