Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Weekly Update 6-16-14

The title of her email this week was "Missions Are Great".

So... I just want to start off this email by saying how truly grateful for Heavenly Father I am. Everything He does is out of pure charity for His children. What a blessing it is to be used as instruments for this great cause! This week has been full of blessings and experiences that have been inspiring, humbling, and and great in ways that words just can't explain. 

Second thing I would like to say... I have the best companion ever. Sister Andersen is the best to be around. She is SO in tune with the spirit always and teaches me new things daily. She makes me want to be and do better! How grateful I am that God has placed her with me at this time before she leaves for home. Man she's such a stud. I have said it before and I will definitely say it again... she is the best missionary in this mission. Hands down.. she knows what it truly means to serve the Lord with all her heart might mind and strength.

Third thing, This week was really really great. I can't really describe any huge event that took place, but it was the summation of a bunch of small but evident tender mercies of the Lord that made this week great. We were blessed to find 4 souls this week who are prepared to receive the message of the restoration. HUGE BLESSING! One guys name is jacob. He was a media referral! You want to know how he ended up on mormon.org?? Through his study in the bible he thought about how there needed to be a prophet today. SO he googled "Modern day prophet" and up came a bunch of different listings from a bunch of websites. Eventually he was drawn to mormon.org because we believe in modern-day prophets. As he researched on mormon.org he decided he wanted to learn more about this guy named joseph smith and thats how we got in contact with him! SO we taught him about the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and it was incredible! This guy has been prepared. We are looking forward to meeting with him this week and setting a date for baptism.

Another cool experience I had this week with the spirit was on Friday night. A bunch of us missionaries took our dinner hour and went to this cupcake shop to celebrate a spanish sister's 15 month mark.. I didn't get a cupcake because I dislike cake.. but as I was sitting there with about 12 missionaries I looked across the shop and saw a woman and a man enjoying ice cream and a cupcake together. For some reason I felt strongly prompted to go speak to them. I sat for a minute trying to think of a clever way to go talk to them so it wouldn't be weird, but the prompting persisted until almost automatically I got up and walked over to them. I awkwardly introduced myself and asked them their names and they hesitantly responded. At this point I had no idea why Heavenly Father had prompted me to speak to them, so in order to save my self from further awkwardness I asked them if either of them had met missionaries before. The lady laughed and then said "Actually I was baptized about 15 years ago in Des Moines" I knew then, EXACTLY why Heavenly Father had prompted me to go talk to them. He was watching over one of His sheep who had been wandering for the past several years. I talked with her for a little longer and then they had to leave. I don't know the result of our conversation or if it had any affect on this woman, but I know for a fact that Heavenly Father was aware of her and wanted her back and he so graciously allowed me to help Him in that effort. What a tender mercy.

Lastly, I just want everyone to know that you are all sons and daughters of a Heavenly Father who loves and cherishes you. This truth has been so evident to me this week. He cares. He does. He weeps with us when we struggle and He rejoices with us when we do what is right. He is a perfect Father of perfect understand and charity. Always, always remember this.

PS There are transfers this week. We haven't got a call yet so most likely both of us are staying here for another 6 weeks. This is Sister Andersen's last transfer... crazy!!

Sister Halee Rogers

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