Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Halee's tribute to Grandpa Rogers

Halee's last visit with her Grandpa Rogers on May 21st, 2013, the day before she left to enter the MTC!

Halee's Baptism.  Always supported by Grandma & Grandpa.

Having fun with Grandpa..Halee dressed up as 
 "Grandpa's High school Sweetheart"  (noted on the badge she is wearing) 
with her fake teeth and nerd glasses at an event.

Hey everyone!
Just a quick update on me and the area of dirty dodge! We had the wonderful blessing of having 2 investigators at church this week! Bill and Kirah... one of which I met in a doctor's office waiting room! We taught him earlier in the week and so he came to church and loved it! Bill accepted the baptismal invite and is coming again next week! Throughout the week, it was pretty slow. A LOT of investigators bailed on appointments so that kinda sucked, but it all worked out. I had to take a two hour defensive driving course this week because I had two tickets before I left on my mission so I had to get cleared to drive. It was pretty lame but I should be cleared now so thats good! haha I spoke in church this sunday and it went pretty well! The other Hermanas that spoke with me did a very very good job! The spirit was so strong and I think the ward is starting to get excited about missionary work! This week we also had a mission tour zone conference with Elder Robert C. Gay of the 1st quorum of the Seventy! It was amazing!!! I learned a lot! And then I had the privilege to be interviewed by him. It went great... He got to know me a little bit and I got to ask him a few questions so it was a great experience.

Last night I got a call from President Jensen informing me that My Grandpa Rogers had passed away... I knew as soon as I picked up the phone and saw who was calling, exactly what it was about because its not often that you get a call from your mission president at 8 pm. He told me I should call my family. So I got to speak to my parents and my Grandma Rogers. That was a very nice thing to be able to do. I have a lot of great memories of my Grandpa... BY FAR the best memory I have is what my family calls "The Ding-Ding Powder Incident." hahah If you don't know what I'm referring to ask my mom or my sister Ali, they will tell you. and yes, its probably exactly what your thinking it is. hahaha Other memories I have are Grandpa singing "WHo let the Dogs Out" and the barking "WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO!" ha And Grandpa Rogers always said "Don't take any wooden nickels!" In fact thats what he told me the day I said goodbye to him in the hospital the day before I left on my mission. He also always told us kids that "Sh**
, Damn and Hell" aren't considered swear words! hahaha I always loved his sometimes inappropriate sense of humor! He was the only one that could get away with it! ha I like to remember watching him and Grandma on Family Fued saying, "How bout the Duke John Wayne?!" haha Oh and I can never forget giving him a hug and a kiss everytime I left their house. He called me Hay-Hay... :) Little things and little memories are what I treasure most about him. He is the biggest fighter I know! Being 20 years old, I have never experienced someone close to me die before and I've never been to a funeral. And I wish I could have been there yesterday with all my family to watch him go... but I decided a long time ago that my testimony and the knowledge of the Plan of Salvation and the power of temple sealings would carry me through whenever it happened. Yes, I cried a lot last night and I am going to miss Grandpa very very much... but I know that he's up there in the spirit paradise probably teaching his buddies John Wayne and  Buffalo Bill Cody about the restored gospel. And once theyre converted they are all gonna go paint the mountains together! haha I'm not worried about Grandpa he is in a great place. It's my family down here that I keep thinking about. People that were a lot closer to him than I was.. people like my Grandma and My Dad and his sisters. Cling upon the hope that comes through Jesus Christ to help make it easier. In Mosiah 16:8-9 it puts it perfectly,

"But there is a ressurection, therefore the grave hath no victory, and the sting of death is swallowed up in Christ. He is the light and the life of the world; yea a light that is endless that can never be darkened; yea and also a life which is endless, that there can be no more death."

I love you all very very much. This week has been very overwhelming but I'm doing great and the Lord is blessing me. I wish I could be with you all at home right now during this time. Tell everyone that I love them. Stay strong and as Grandpa always said, "Don't Take any wooden nickels!" Or just sing a song he liked to sing... "She's got freckles on her butt... she's pretty!" :)


Love, Sister Halee Rogers


Mitchelann... your letter rocked! I'm so glad you are staying strong in the gospel and was so glad to hear that you are going to the temple this week!!!!! Also I loved your decorated envelope!

Pope Family.... Seriously your letters are always the funniest to read! I love ALL the pictures! LOVE YOU!

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