Monday, September 9, 2013

Ist Week down in new area- Ft. Dodge

Seydou from Nigeria.  

Hola from the blessed town of Fort Dodge... or as locals call it "Dirty Dodge".... hahaha i'm seriously though. The only terms I have heard when referring to fort dodge are Dirty Dodge and Double-D... hahaha yikes! Welp... I got my first week down! And I'm still alive and well, so that is great! We got a new investigator this week... his name is steven! We were tracting on thursday and he rode up to us on his bicycle and said "Hey, are yall teachin about the bible?" We said yep, we sure are! He looked at the Book of Mormon in my hands and said... well that there is a blue bible... So we started telling him about the Book of Mormon, and he goes, "Oh yeah! Ive read that before! I loved reading about all the wars and dissensions between the nephites and the lamanites... Oh and those jaredites.. they were so cool!" hahaha I'm not even lying, thats what he said! He also told us that he had moved so he lost his other book of mormon, and he wanted a new one. we set up an appointment with him later that night to teach him more. It just so happened that thursday night, Sister Jensen, President Jensen's wife was coming down to work with us for the night! So, Sister king and I and Sister Jensen went to teach Steven. Instead of teaching him the restoration we felt impressed to teach the Doctrine of Christ. We invited him to be baptized and he accepted eagerly! He even said, "SO when can we get this done? One week? Two?" hahahaha we told him to pray about a date and he was eager to do so!! He didnt come to church this week, but hopefully next week! I'm really excited!
We have also been meeting with this less-active woman named Roberta. She is basically an investigator though. She doesn't know much and so we teach her like she is an investigator. The past three lessons we have had with her have been incredible! She holds a lot of anger in her heart from past experiences and doesn't really feel that God is aware of her. SO we initially taught her about the Atonement, then we showed her the Finding Faith in Christ Video, and then we showed her the Restoration video and taught her about the restoration and how the Book of Mormon can strengthen us. We shared with her Moroni 7:41 and told her how we can see the hope in Christ that she still has after going everything that she has gone through. The spirit was so strong in all of those lessons and she is really starting to take big steps forward. You can already see how much her heart is softening! Its so cool!!! I love the spirit so much!!!
Also... Libby came to church this sunday!! She absolutely loved it! She kept introducing herself as "Sister Marnach... future missionary." hahahah It was the cutest thing!!! She's da best! And she wears her new ctr ring around everywhere she goes!
This week at district meeting... I gave a training on the Doctine of Christ. I used lots of sports analogies and connected all the points of the DOC to different aspects of sports. I thought it went pretty well! haha The main point was to help others come up "clutch" in their life through the DOC.
Good news! I finished the book of Alma! Whuddupppp... finally! It was so good! Moroni is the freakn bombbbb.
Today during my studies, I was reading in Preach My Gospel and this line really stuck out to me, so i want to share with all of you!

"The attitude you have toward your mission experience is a reflection of your love towards your Heavenly Father and His Son and your respect for the priesthood."

BOOM! Pretty bold line there. But it is so true! It really made me kind of check myself... and seeing the rewards of the Holy Ghost and helping others come unto Christ.. I can honestly say with real intent that I LOVE my mission. It has changed me. I am beginning to develop Charity with the help of the Spirit and with the help of the Atonement. It is amazing. I am feeling pure joy as I recognize everyone around me to be my brothers and sisters. I love it! I'm still working on loving weekly planning, but other than that... I LOVE IT! haha I love the Lord. I know Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer. And I know that his Atonement is real. He is the foundation, and His Atonement is what changes people. I try my hardest everyday to remember that!

ALSO.... I just got a call from the Assistant to the President... This week we have a Mission Tour. President Jensen and his wife, along with the Assistants and Elder Gay from the Quorm of the Seventy are coming to speak to the mission. Elder Gay is interviewing FOUR missionaries after the conference... Assistant Van Woerkam just notified me that I will be one of the four missionaries being interviewd by Elder Gay this week...... HOLY CRAP!!!!! Yikes, I'm excited but nervous!! It'll be good though! I'm pretty pumped... but now I have to dress and look really good to impress! haha!

Well yall, I love you so much! And think about you every single day! And I pray for yall every single day as well! To have your support means so much! Thank you for all you do!!! 

Sister Halee Rogers


Mom... you are the greatest person ever!!!!! Homade bread and two new bags?!?!?!? I am so so so so grateful to have such a wonderful mom like you! THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH! I LOVE YOU!

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