Tuesday, October 22, 2013

10-21-13 email!

Group of missionaries volunteering at a 5K.  Must be getting cold.

With Elder Steele and Elder Belliston.

With her companion Sister Batty.

With Sister Jensen from her ward.

With Hermana Eggett.  Her best friend from the pre-mortal existence.

So.... Hello everyone!
So first off, tomorrow marks my 5 month mark. That's just crazy! I am starting my sixth month out!!! WHAT?! Man. I am absolutely loving this work. This week was great! We were very busy! Teaching a lot! We currently have two investigators with baptismal dates, and we should have at least two more this week. Heavenly Father is pouring down endless blessings! I am so humbled to be receiving so many great things. Sister Batty and I are doing our best to continue to stay humble, obedient and working hard. I'm seriously so grateful to have Sister Batty as a companion. She is so great. She is one of the hardest workers I have ever seen and she never complains. She has such a strong desire to be exactly obedient and in turn is utilizing the Gift of the Holy Ghost she has been given to the fullest. We get along very well, so I'm just so happy about that!
Ahhhh... I don't even really know what else to say... I am just so happy. all of the time! I love every aspect about this work. I love this area, I love the people, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the ward. They are so helpful and really working valiantly to move forward the work of salvation. I have never been a part of such effective ward council meetings. We are starting to receive more referrals from members and its all because we are working together. When we do that, Heavenly Father blesses us.
My testimony is growing each and every day. I find such satisfaction and joy in repenting daily and internalizing the Doctrine of Christ. This really is the Work of Salvation. We are helping to rescue those people that are lost so that they can be saved my the eternal grace of Jesus Christ and the majesty and efficacy of His infinite atonement. I know with all of my heart that the light of the Atonement extends to ALL people. This is true.

I just want you all to know that you are amazing! Sorry for such a short update. I will give more details next time. I love you guys!

Love Sister Halee Rogers

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