Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Weekly Update 7-21-14

British Pageant in Nauvoo!

British Pageant!

Got to go to Keokuk for Charley Scudder's baptism.

The Salyers Family!

With the Keokuk Sister Missionaries!

Hey There!!
SO a lot of good things happened this week... I'll go through by day:)

Monday- p-day. Nothing super special. Except for the fact that I got to email you all!

Tuesday- We had some really good lessons with Norman and Jacob and The Adams family. Norman is progressing SO MUCH.  We moved his baptism date to August 16th! Jacob, we haven't met with in a few weeks but it was awesome cause we were able to just pick up right where we left off! He is progressing to be baptized on the 16th of August as well!

Wednesday- We were on exchanges here in Iowa City with the sisters from Muscatine. Sister Muirrbrook and Sister Barney. They both are just total bosses! We got a new investigator named amanda who LOVED the restoration and wants to get baptized! She is YSA age so we are passing her off to those sister missionaries.

Thursday- We had zone conference! There were 6 zones there... thats a lot of missionaries!!! Thankfully I didn't have to give a training BUT I did sing in a quartet for a musical number with Sister Alston Elder Ellsworth and elder Annino. We sang the youth theme song this year "Come Unto Christ." Man it was really great. I LOVE that song. I took a video of our practice cause I felt weird having someone record the real thing in the chapel. I will try and send it, but if not I will try and have Sister Hachtman send it. I think you guys will like it. A lot of people came up to me afterwards and said they didn't know I could sing. haha It made me feel pretty good. And on top of that we went and ate at Texas Roadhouse afterwards. I got me a steak. And it was oh so sweet!

Friday- Sister Andersen and I went to town! Heavenly Father just let everything fall into place. We taught 5 lessons in a matter of about 4 hours. All were wonderful! We got a new investigator named Tia whose mother in law is a member, and we had a great lesson with one of our African investigators, Stephane. He is such a cool guy... AND he came to church on Sunday! He has a baptismal date for August 16th as well. THEN... that night Sister Andersen and I got to go up to Nauvoo and watch the new British pagaent that is new this year. It alternates nights with the regular Nauvoo Pageant. THIS PAGEANT ROCKS! At the end of it they have all the full time missionaries in attendance go line up somewhere and then walk through the crowd and go up on satge and we sing a few songs. It's like the big finale to the pagaent. Its so sweet! So we got to do that and it was way cool. Of course there are pics to come. I unfortunately didn't get any pictures of when we went up on stage though... sorry! After the pageant we stayed the night over at the Keokuk sisters apartment.
Saturday- The whole reason we even got to go to the pageant the night before was because someone that sister andersen and I both taught was getting baptized in keokuk on saturday. So we went to the baptism and it was amazing. Charley Scudder. He's a stud. We also got to see some of the people we taught there. It was a really really great day. That night we drove back to Iowa City with Sister Hachtman.

Sunday- Great day at church. Stephane came!! It was really really great. And thats pretty much it.
It was a really great week. Sister Andersen go home next week. I'm dyin. haha I am really gonna miss her but she's just gonna be great at life when she gets off her mission. 
You all are so great. The Gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored and I know that we have a prophet today. 

I love you!! Have a great week! And Riley... go tear it up out there! I'll be thinking about ya all day wednesday. Youre such a stud! See ya in a couple bud!:)

Sister Halee Rogers

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