Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Weekly Update 7-7-14

President & Sister Jepperson are in the mission presidency and will be moving to Utah.

Joyann & Aide's baptism!

All the sisters that were able to teach Joyann.  They all got to be there for the baptism.
Everyone with Aide!

Beautiful Iowa Rainbow.

With Elder Kay.  They both were at Snow College at the same time.

With Sister Batty.

With President & Sister Jensen.

Sister Lloyd came to visit.

Beautiful Sisters, Beautiful landscape.

So... so many great things happened this week:) Tuesday we had Mission Leadership Council! That was awesome as usual and then Thursday and Saturday we had our Zone Training Meetings for the Iowa City and Fairfield zones! Sister Andersen and I got to train on bearing testimony and the power of testimony. It was really great because we were able to tailor it to what each zone needed specifically. It was sweet! And I feel really blessed.
Friday was the 4th of July! We were on exchanges in Washington so that was a blast and then that night we watched some fireworks:)
Saturday was such a special day!!! Not only did we have zone training meeting but Joyann and Aide got baptized!!!!!! Oh man, the service was SO great! Seriously, the best baptismal service I have been to on my mission. It was so spiritual and great! We had a lot of people there... there wasn't even enough chairs there was a bunch of people having to stand! We had 4 investigators there, so that was bomb, and also President and Sister Jensen were able to come as well as the Assistants to the President and all of the sister missionaries that had taught Joyann. It was so great. But the best part was that Joyann's mom came. She was the one who wouldn't allow Joyann to be baptized in the first place... so it was really great to have her there and be able to feel the spirit. While everyone was getting dressed after the ordinances, everyone made their way back into the RS room and Sister Andersen and I were able to give a presentation of the Restoration of The Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was awesome. The spirit just filled both of our mouths and took over. We were totally being used as instruments. I have never taught the restoration so clearly and simply before. And Sister Andersen and I had never taught so well together before. President Jensen came up to us after the service and gave us some really high quality compliments about it. And so did a few other people. It felt good to know that. 

So the baptism was awesome and their confirmation in church the next day was great as well! They both have the Gift of the Holy Ghost now:) What a blessing it has been to be able to experience these things. This is the pure joy of missionary work.

One last funny story... yesterday was fast sunday as you all know. SO we were fasting of course. And I personally had not really eaten that much in the past three days because we were so busy with stuff so I was kinda malnourished and WAY dehydrated. SO we went to a small town outside of Iowa City after church to go check on a referral and as we were talking to this lady on her porch I started getting really hot... it was about 85 degrees with high humidity. Then all of the sudden everything started getting really bright and then my vision was gone and then my hearing left as well and I was totally deaf. Next thing I know I am sitting in this lady's house with a cup of water in my hand. I had more or less passed out on this lady's porch!!! Sister Andersen said that they were talking and then looked over at me and I was about to fall of the railing of her porch and I was not a normal color so they grabbed me and brought me inside. hahah man I was so embarrassed!!! We decided it was time to probably break our fast:)

haha so anyways... I am just really blessed. missionary work is awesome and I know I still have A LOT to work on but I can feel the Atonement working in my life to help me change.

I love you! Have a great week!
Sister Halee Rogers

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